Introducing the Jade Jungle Collection by Moonglow Yarn Co for Spring 2024!
The Jade Jungle is alive with a symphony of glowing tropical color! Juicy dragonfruit fuchsia 🌺 vibrant tigerlily orange 🧡 fancy flamingo pink 🦩 crazy chameleon chartreuse 🦎pale Amazonite blue 🩵 saturated jeweled teal 💎 and pretty peacock blue 🦚 entwine to create a lush canopy of color.
The Jade Jungle is alive with a symphony of glowing tropical color! Juicy dragonfruit fuchsia 🌺 vibrant tigerlily orange 🧡 fancy flamingo pink 🦩 crazy chameleon chartreuse 🦎pale Amazonite blue 🩵 saturated jeweled teal 💎 and pretty peacock blue 🦚 entwine to create a lush canopy of color.

Moonglow Jade Jungle Color Kit Merino DK

Moonglow Jade Jungle Sock Set

Moonglow Jade Jungle Cowl Kit
Pattern: Jungle Doodle Cowl by Pacific Knit Co